Sunday, August 3, 2008


Here's a 5 picture story..hopefully telling what happened to the skunks...


Rocking RS said...

Let me see if I'm reading this picture correctly...i see that the moth balls are toxic if inhaled...well...if the skunks didn't die...then it looks like they relocated....or did they relocate and then die under your house? Please share!

Darla said...

That is what I was wondering...I was not sure what the water did with the moth balls, except to melt them and spread them out?? Looks like they relocated. I have also heard to keep snakes away, you put out mothballs....does that work?

Alisoncb said...

Okay I am about to pee in my pants! Did you won the battle with the "squatting skunks"? It looks like to told them their number was up and it was time to move to skunk heaven! LOL