Thursday, April 26, 2007

Left at the Park

Remember when you were little, and you were misbehaving in the car? What was the standard threat? "If you don't behave, I'm going to make you get out and walk!"

Well, yesterday at the park, I decided to attempt the opposite of this punishment. It's called "If you don't get IN the car, I'm going to leave you here!"

My 8 year old son was being rather belligerent yesterday while at the park, and would not accompany me to the car when it was time to leave. I yelled after him, " If you don't get in the car, I'm going to leave you...!!" Didn't seem to phase him at all. He remained on the swing, sitting ever so nonchalantly. The rest of us got in, and I started the car. He did not move. So...I drove away, down the block. He did not move.....until I rounded the corner and was out of sight. By the time I had gone past two houses, and then proceeded to turn around in the driveway to head back to the park, as I turned the corner to gain visual eyesight with the park, here I see my tough as nails little boy, who in the seconds it took me to turn my car around, had sprinted all the way across the park and was already across the street, obviously running after my car.

He was visably upset...and completely winded. When I asked him what he was going to do the next time, he grumbled..."I guess I'll get in the car!".

I remember the time my parents made me get out and walk...and I think he'll remember this too. So are we both scarred for life? No, I don't think so, but this experience went along way in proving that from a kid's perspective, you never know what your parents are going to do!


Aunt Cindee said...

This is the same child who wanted to continue panning for gold last summer until he found some. He wouldn't get into the car. I warned him then that I was leaving him. We got in the car and started driving. Unfortunately there was traffic, so I had to wait at the stop sign at the corner. This was enough time for him to casually walk at his own pace to the car and get in the back seat.

I'm glad he was winded and upset this time. Traffic was the cause of it not working the first time. :0\