Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Recycling Toilets

You will never believe me if I told you. Cindee's house is weird when it comes to the bathrooms! The top floor bathroom you pull the lid up until it touches the button, then the toilet makes this changing cat litter sound. The weirdest part is once your hiney touches the seat the thing inside the toilet opens.If you do number 2 in the upstairs toilet you have to clean it out.{ basically the toilets are porta-potties} Once you put the lid off the button the toilet makes the cat litter sound again which means its spinning the wee wee out .{ the top floor only allows pee}.

The bottom bathroom is another story. If you need to go number 1, you have to sit close to the edge of the seat if you have to do more than that, you have to put your whole bottom on the seat. {after you do your job, you have to scoop svagnumos (Sphagnum Moss) it adds bacteria that breaks down the solids... its also worm food}Also all the food scraps go down the toilet.

(The picture to the left was added by my mom...and no it's not really what the toilet looks's the 1876 rendition of the same thing)...


Sandra said...

God forbid that you should ever get sick at Aunt Cindee's house!

Anonymous said...

Aw- poor Layni! Roughing it!!!
:-) We miss you here. I'm sure that Alaska is going to be quite the experience. I'll be checking on your blog throughout the summer. Have fun...
-Mrs. Muceus

Alisoncb said...

Layni- I am so thrilled to be reading about this wonderful adventure! And, thanks to your blog and your mom we will get to share in some of it. I work with your mom and have always wanted to go to Alaska so when she told us that you would be charting your travels I was eager to read.... who knew that the first one would be about the recycling toilet! GROSS! LOL Though, not as bad as the facilities of the early English or French... it was just a hole in a bench like thing. BOY isn't THIS a testimony for technology!


Kenny said...

Dear Layni: I also work with your mom and I have to say that I am sooooo jealous! I really don't think the recycled toilet is gross at all and I love your description of it. I hope you can take a picture of the real thing and post it here so we can all see it. Seven week Alaska adventure! Wow, how cool is that! I get to go on several adventures this summer, but none so exotic as yours. I can't wait to read more.

Rocking RS said...

Layni - Thanks so much for sharing. I have to share my experience in relation to what Alison just wrote about the "hole in the bench like thing." I grew up in MI and my rural church had outhouses that had that very thing for when we had picnics, etc. Yes, I have used a bathroom just as she described. Wow, the things we do when we are kids...or does taht just make me old??? hmmmm Enjoy your travels and we look forward to more adventures. Be sure to share LOTS of pics!
Stacie B.
(PS: I also work with you Mom.)

Rocking RS said...

oops...just saw my typo...

I also work with your Mom....I didn't want your blog world to think I had bad English skills. :)

Trish said...

Cool...keep the blogs are in for the adventure of a lifetime, and I can hardly wait to read about it! We miss your smiling face!

Monica said...

Hi Layni,

It's Ms. Nahas (aka Computer Lab Teacher), remember me from Barrington Place? After your mom sent us a link to your blog, I was really impressed by your descriptions :) I'm so proud of you for blogging! hehehe

I do agree, it sounds like a great adventure. One thing's for sure, I'm sure you'll really appreciate your toilet back at home when you get back... :)

I really wouldn't want to scoop some of that moss in the toilet. That sounds it doesn't smell great either.

Ok, that's all for now. Maybe I should start a blog about my summer trip! :)

Take care and be safe,
Ms. Nahas

Cindee said...

This is Aunt Cindee! In defense of my composting toilets: they are much less smelly than a flushing toilet and WAY less smelly than the outhouse we have at the cabin. We have air vents. :-)

One funny thing that happened before Layni left: I asked her to empty the breakfast scraps into the composting toilet and little did I know, a cherry pit got stuck on the seat. I didn't see it when I sat down to use the toilet and when I got back to the kitchen, I started fishing in my pants for whatever it was. Found the cherry pit. Layni laughed like there was no tomorrow. :-)

We're looking forward to having Layni back in July. She wants to sleep in the meditation room she calls the cat house.

Miss Thacker said...

Wow! Layni, you sound like you are in for an adventure of a lifetime! I also must admit that I am a tad jealous. :) I have always wanted to travel to Alaska. Take lots of pictures!

Be thankful that you at least have a toliet, and that it works! Remember when we discussed the Medieval Ages in class, and how they disposed of human waste? Hmm?

Keep up posted! :)