Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Pictures from Layni

Here's the best we could do with SLOW dial up access from Wainwright. I think you'll get the gist though...

The long black pieces are baleen, taken from the latest baleen whale kill. Click here for another image.

The second picture has her wearing a traditional Inupiat parka.


Anonymous said...

Hi Layni- Love the pictures. It looks like you are having fun. I'm jealous... we're still stuck here at school and it's soooo hot an humid outside. Keep up the blogging- this is awesome!

Trish said...

Cool...did you actually see the entire whale? You look happenin' in the coat! Thanks for keeping us up-dated...this is way cool!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is unbelievable that, that is a whale. Can you explain the process?

Doug said...

Hey Layni...you are missed. Your sisters are always asking when you will be home. I am in charge of the cat litter so you know I am missing you. We are always wondering what adventures you are having today. Call me or text me once in awhile. Dads like to get calls and text's also....