With breakfast consisting of wheat toast with butter that did not melt, we felt certain it was time for a trip to the grocery store.
As we entered Carrs, my kids had already made a list of things they needed for sheer survival at Aunt Cindee’s B & B. I’m sure you can imagine what the list consisted of….1. Cookies 2. Corn Pops Cereal 3. Hot Chocolate….and the list ensued.
However, Aunt Cindee was NOT about to let that happen. She announced that there would be NO sugar at her house nor anything that could get you “addicted” or clog your arteries…oh the look on their faces. It was that look of the utter sureness of withdrawal. The DTs were about to ensue.
It began in the bread aisle. Only bread baked in Alaska please….
On to the cereal aisle, where Layni was bound and determined to get Corn Pops, her favorite. Snatched out of the basket, Cindee pronounced that it had too much sugar and had that bad stuff that clogs your arteries and keeps you addicted in it (the true name escapes me now).
Offering a compromise, Aunt Cindee said Layni could get any cereal on the top shelf. Well, you know what kind of cereal resides there, don’t you? Cereal that the old and infirm eat for regularity. The pine bark and bark chips people claim is good for you. Nope….Layni wasn’t having any of it. She passed on the cereal.
As we went down each successive aisle, it became clear that we should not even attempt to put in the foods that were tasty…no cookies, no chips and certainly no candy!!
So we resorted to collusion. We schemed and worked together to at least make it out of the store with our coveted yogurt covered pretzels. Lanyi handed it to me, and I passed it off to Kylee, telling her to cover them with her body parts…as to not be detected by the human junk food detector.
We learned two things from that trip. Food that’s good for you must taste bad, and shopping with children and a health nut isn’t a possibility.
Maybe we’ll be more successful next go around.
For Aunt Cindee's version of this same story, read it here. http://bioshelter.blogspot.com
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