Friday, June 19, 2009

One (of many, I'm sure) job I couldn't stomach

Job one for today.... Empty the pee bucket, and use it to kill the
unwanted grass. Ok... The only problem there is the horrific smell. I
lasted maybe 2 minutes... The smell is worse than the dirtiest
outhouse you ever used times 10. I wonder how long that smell will
linger....that kind of gives new meaning to the saying "fresh outdoors".

As you can see, the picture below was taken from the solarium


Anonymous said...

God that's disgusting. Next time tell everyone just to pee outside-it will save you a lot of work.

Cindee said...

Okay, so it didn't work. The grass still grows. But we didn't see any bears either! We marked our territory.

Upon a little more research, the toxicity of the pee is only good for about a day. After that, it is just stinky. That pee had been in the bucket for months. So if I really want to use the pee, I'll have to empty the pee bucket daily. Yuck. I'd rather let it run down the drain and into the woods.

A little history though: people from the arctic who visited said that in the old days it wasn't polite to leave the house unless you contributed to the pee bucket. They used the pee to tan hides and such. Now at least I didn't make you tan some hides. I'll save that for the next time you visit.