Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A Car Full of Kids

My husband purchased tickets to Cirque du Soliel's Sunday matinee performance for my birthday. This meant that we needed to leave our beach house no later than 9:30 Sunday morning in order to make the 1:00 pm curtain call. Sounds easy right? Not if you're me.

Getting pulled over by a sheriff really puts a damper on plans! I was traveling on a deserted road I always use that takes me to I-10 towards home. I was innocently following the police car for several miles, when he suddenly decided to move over to the right lane so I would pass him. I did. He then put on his lights and I was forced to stop in the middle of nowhere. He got out of the car and walked up to my window. Said nothing...just stood there. Finally I said..."Did I do something wrong?"

He said..."No... not really. I saw you weaving across the center line...and that was why I pulled you over."

I said to the deputy..."If I was weaving across the yellow line, it was a direct result of having FIVE kids and a DOG in the car!"

His response... "FIVE KIDS...??? and a DOG???...Have a nice day maam..and be careful."